Go Green
Ways to Go Green in School

One of the best methods of spreading the "go green" message is to find ways to go green for kids and teachers. Kids spend a lot of time in school, and when they have a teacher who believes in protecting the environment, they tend to pick up lots of valuable tips and lessons that they can take home with them and share.
Classroom Recycling
One of the easiest ways to go green for kids and teachers is to start a recycling program in the classroom. This can be as simple as providing a blue box for paper recycling. There are other ways to recycle in school as well, including:
- Separate blue bins for plastic and paper recyclables
- Green compost bins for food waste
- Collections of specific items, such as juice boxes, in clear recycling bags
One of the real benefits of classroom recycling is that the kids can physically see how much trash they are saving from the landfill by avoiding the garbage can.
If there is room on the school property to plant trees, this can be a terrific way for kids to learn about the importance of trees and other plant life. Teachers can present lessons on the various benefits of trees and the disadvantages of deforestation. Then, the kids can get together and plant their own sapling right there at school. Many garden and landscaping companies will donate trees to schools, and some city or town councils also have free young trees available.
Start a Classroom Container Garden
Container gardening is catching on in popularity. The beauty of this is that anyone can grow their own vegetables and flowers in any location, and any climate. Gardening can transition into lots of different learning topics, from the stages of plant life to sustainability and environmental issues.